The Hotel Marlowe provides the finishing touch to CambridgeSide, an Arrowstreet-designed mixed-use development focused on the restored Lechmere Canal. Organized around a central, European-style courtyard, this 236-room, luxury boutique hotel takes full advantage of its tight, urban site. The restaurant, Bambara, serves as a destination for nearby office workers and residents and generates pedestrian activity along this vibrant section of the Cambridge waterfront.

Project Details


Cmabridge, MA


Hardin Capital / Cornerstone Real Estate Advisers / Kimpton Hotel and Restaurant Group


154,000 SF





The thoughtful Arrowstreet design for the Hotel Marlowe makes it the only luxury hotel in Cambridge that brings together all that makes this city unique: innovation, diversity, culture.

-Tom LaTour, CEO Kimpton Hotels

Photos by David Phelps; Peter Vanderwarker; and Richard Mandelkorn