Arrowstreet At Hubweek

Join Principal, Amy Korte, as she hosts a panel for Hubweek 2017 on Designing for Climate Change. The event will take place on Oct. 15 at 2:30pm at City Hall. Evidence suggests that climate change and rising sea levels will impact Boston in the coming years, and the city’s real estate leaders are already applying technologies and forward-thinking strategies to…


AIA Women’s Leadership Summit

Arrowstreet’s Amy Korte, AIA, and Emily Grandstaff-Rice, FAIA, are attending the AIA Women’s Leadership Summit: Creating Tailwinds, on Sept. 14-16 in Washington DC. The Women’s Leadership Summit 2017 is a two-day event focused on supporting women architects, creating new paths to leadership, and providing a forum to recognize and champion their work. What began as a grassroots effort in Boston…


AIA SpeakUp 2017

Last month I attended the AIA SpeakUp 2017, an advocacy leadership workshop. This workshop was a great opportunity to learn key skills necessary in advocacy as well as day-to-day work in architecture, such as effective communication, public speaking, and strategic planning and organization. The conference was sprinkled with informative sessions with Colorado state legislators, Sen. Holbert and Rep. Garnett, media…


BSA’s Designing in Boston

Come learn about the path to getting large buildings approved in the city of Boston on Tuesday, July 18 at 6pm. This session led by Arrowstreet’s Senior Associate Jason King, will address the challenges and opportunities of building a large project through a case study specific to downtown Boston— Congress Square. This event is the second in a series about…
