
Our Graphic Design Studio is a team of curious designers who are always interested in becoming better and more knowledgeable in our craft. We recently reached out to Design Communications, Ltd. (DCL), one of the largest architectural and custom fabricators in the country, to see if they’d be willing to provide a series of educational sessions. We’re always looking for excuses to tour fabricators’ shops, and we were excited about the idea of focusing on specific topics to educate our younger designers and provide a refresher for others.

So early in March, we loaded up our Zipcar and traveled to DCL’s shop in Avon, MA for our first session centered around the production of pylon and monument signs (the large identification signs that welcome visitors to retail, entertainment, parking, and industrial areas, among others).

The visit began with a tour lead by Mike McCarthy, Vice President of Operations for DCL’s 155,000 square foot space. Touring the shop always proves to be educational and inspirational; from seeing new faux finishes and paint applications to seeing new uses for 3D printing. The tour included stops to learn about the numerous machines and fabrication methods DCL employs on site and the many steps it takes for pylon and monument signs to be fabricated, shipped, and installed. We also discussed the benefits of certain types of materials and fabrication processes such as aluminum vs. steel, and screen printing vs. digital printing.

After the tour, the DCL team shared their vast experience and knowledge fabricating pylon and monument signs and pointed out special considerations to keep in mind during the design process including the type of foundation it will need, if it will be located near the ocean (always a possibility here in New England), and if there will be a digital component, among many others.

As planned, we left that day inspired and ready to put our new skills to use. Thanks DCL! We’re looking forward to our next session.

Topics: Culture, Graphic Design, Blog, DCL