Seaport Circle is designed to achieve the highest level of electrification, resilience, wellness, and equity of any life sciences project in the Boston Seaport. The project is seeking LEED Platinum, WiredScore, and SmartScore certification and has already received Fitwel 2 Star certifications and the core and shell are ready for tenants to seek WELL certifications. The net zero carbon building design is primarily all-electric reducing natural gas consumption 90% above the stretch code baseline and resulting in 40% overall carbon emissions reduction. Emissions will be further reduced by the on-site PV array and future purchase of off-site renewables. Mechanical system efficiency is achieved via air source heat pumps, heat pump chiller, water-based exhaust heat recovery, and DOAS with heat recovery and fan coils. Embodied carbon reduction strategies include low-carbon concrete with 25% less GWP than the eastern regional average. The facade features bird-friendly glazing, triple-glazed curtainwall, highly insulated spandrel, and low air leakage that will be tested in construction. Stormwater will be collected and reused on-site for processing and irrigation water.
The approach to resiliency is to seamlessly integrate it into the design of the building’s public realm. Measures have been taken to address storm surges and sea level rise throughout the project site by elevating all occupiable spaces and critical infrastructure and floodproofing the façade below that level. By designing and integrating resiliency measures early in the process, the design team was able to make these invisible to the typical pedestrian while also creating a welcoming public realm. Heat island and pollutant reduction is achieved through heavily vegetated landscape around and under the building, a green roof, and reflective paving and roofing.
Project Details
LEEDv4 Gold, Fitwel 2 Star, WIRED SCORE